Climatec is excited to highlight its Bosch affiliation in its new branding.
Today Climatec, LLC, announced a subtle but important brand evolution. Climatec has been part of the Robert Bosch family of companies since 2015. It has rapidly grown since that time and is proud to highlight that affiliation as Climatec, A Bosch Company in all its future marketing and promotion.
At the time of the Climatec acquisition, Bosch’s CEO, Stefan Hartung, said “The entrepreneurial spirit, industry expertise, customer focus, and shared cultural values that have made Climatec successful are an excellent match for Bosch.” Climatec’s president, Mauro Lima-Vaz, noted that “eight years later, that belief has certainly proved true.” He added, “Since that time, Climatec’s relentless customer focus has only grown, our technology partnerships have expanded, and our overall business has more than doubled - and we’re excited to highlight Bosch’s support in our branding.”
About Climatec, A Bosch Company
For over 40 years, Climatec has steadily invested in the people, technology, and services to be its customers’ trusted business partner for building solutions. Today, Climatec is one of the leading providers of building technology and energy solutions in the nation. Climatec’s technology partners include the world’s leading suppliers of building automation, security and life safety, and energy efficiency technologies. And since 2015, Climatec has proudly been part of the Robert Bosch family of companies.
Press/Media/PR Contact
Jill Boileau
Director of Communications
(602) 999-4557