Energy services

Improving indoor air quality

In any given breath, you could inhale a mixture of airborne particles that help or harm you.

The air contains usual suspects, such as oxygen, nitrogen and seasonal allergens, and more commonly, viruses, bacteria, smoke and pollutants.

The particles in your air, specifically within and around buildings, determine indoor air quality, also known as IAQ. Scientists and technologists have been trying to improve IAQ for decades, but its importance reached new depth in the wake of COVID-19.

Without the proper equipment, harmful airborne pathogens can and will travel throughout critical infrastructure, which can have negative consequences on occupant health, productivity and comfort.

Bosch, Climatec and third-party researchers agree that these are the best measures for disinfecting air from harmful airborne pathogens and keeping occupants safe:

  • Modernized HVAC Equipment
  • Advanced Filtration with MERV-13 or Higher
  • Ventilation Improvements
  • Portable Air Purification Systems
  • Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI)

At Climatec, we feel it is our responsibility to offer our IAQ solutions, engineering, building technology and funding expertise to help public agencies keep their facilities safe.

We’ll work with you to create a custom plan that leverages the best of today’s innovations to optimize sanitation, disinfection, and ventilation in your school district or city.

With a comprehensive approach to improving IAQ, our customers are able to respond to the pandemic and the needs of their communities. Beyond the pandemic, these thoughtfully-sequenced IAQ improvements offer year-round protection against cold/flu season, allergies, mold, bacteria, and wildfire smoke.

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